
**911 Note: Volunteer is searching old database for possible matches.
The bird was found in the park in Rochester michigan. It was found in July or August.She is mostly yellow and white. She will sit on your shoulder and return to the cage as she feels safe there. I dont have a pic but one of the staff named Chrystal could probably send you a pic. She works days at the group home number I listed…I hope that this helps .My van isnt working well . My uncle MO at the home .same ph number who love to talk to you and if u r local welcome u to visit. He is blind but very smart and would welcome the phone call .thx for your interest in this matter

Cocatu bird found 2 years ago (rochester park), My Uncle found a bird in rochester park. His home let him keep it. He is unable to keep and care for the bird. It has a cage and food. Please let me know if you know of anyone who lost a bird. Call my Uncle Mo 248-593-9297 Its light yellow , she is a sweetie

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