
hi i got a call about 8:00  pm Sunday ,i didn’t recognize the name but i felt in my heart it was the call i was waiting for, it was a young couple that had zumi they saw my poster in the lobby and called me ,they said he landed on thier balcony but they were afraid to get him eventually he started knocking on thier balcony door so they let him in ,and called me i was beyond happy and so was zumi and thats how it happened,


thank you ,tonight i was looking at zumis pictures my eyes were running ,i got a call i didn’t know the name but thought, is this the call,   and it was, the most wonderful couple    called me they had zumi he landed on thier balcony  and he knocked on the door


i just wont to say i got my bird back not sure how to do that


zumi is turnning 6 months ,hes fully flighted ,hes a bit of a nippy boy ,talks very well ,i love him to bits ,he can alo so perform tricks . one of his favorate things to say is what ya doing ,also hey baby

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