
  • Species: African Grey (See species list for details)
  • Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States 11215
  • Date Lost: January 25, 2018
  • Banded: Yes



She is about 1 year old. She is not a very skilled flyer. Her favorite treats are peanuts!. She mainly responds to spanish. She in not very vocal when people are around. When alone she becomes more vocal. She likes to bark like a dog, make alarm sounds and says the name Michael a lot. She does say few spanish word and phraises. Her owner is my stepfather. His first language is spanish. He is currently working in New York where he lost her, but she is not originally from there. We live in Providence, Rhode Island. She may be more confused or scared because she is not used to that area or the high levels of traffic. Please help us. It is harder for us to help find her because he is down there looking and I am in Rhode Island 9 months pregnant. I am in charge of searching social media for him and posting lost ads. He loves his bird very much. We are doing the best we can.

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