
I’ve been wanting to respond earlier however my computer has been down. I first like to say thank you so much for all you support and all the information that you had provided. I’ve been receiving a lot of emails from people offering they’re support. I had lost my bird while on a camping trip with my kids at silver lake we always take Elvis camping with us and never had had a problem before. Silver lake is just outside of Hope B.C.

We had been down by the lake throwing the football around and I had Elvis on top of his travel cage when the football got to close for his liking, it must of spooked him and he just took off. We searched high and low for him calling his name and whistling at the same time. He must have been scared as he didn’t even respond. We had left the next day for home and I told the kids that I would go back and search for him. I went back on Tuesday until Friday for a few hours each day, I was hoping to find a camping spot on Friday but it is first come first serve. Silver lake is a good hour drive from where we live and it’s about 100 km away. I was able to find a spot for Saturday night so I stayed and hoped that Maybe he would be more vocal during the day, but nothing not once did I get a response back from him the whole time I had been searching. So after 1000 kms and hours of trying I just lost hope, I’m not sure what more I could have done or do.

I didn’t realize that his flight feathers had grown back so quickly and I just feel real bad for Elvis and the kids of course. I would like to thank you again for all the helpful tips and different ideas for trying to find Elvis.


Lost Parrot, Lost African Grey parrot in Silver lake August 6th 2011 his name is Elvis and he is very tame. He is 2 years old and has a very good vocabulary. He is grey with a red tail, please if anyone finds him please email and there will be a reward offered to the persons that return him. They’re are a couple of young children that miss him so much and an adult too. Thank you!!!

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