
*update* I read up on the gender of parakeets and it was a female. I made the decision a few min ago to berry it ( I think this was a proper action its been a full day since it has passed). Its in a very nice glass bottle under a tree. If this was your bird I have pictures of it so you can confirm.


Found a parakeet about 15min ago outside but it passed away 5min ago 🙁 it was flying very oddly and had a hurt leg 🙁 Very attractive little bird, it was blue and yellow, wings were not clipped and had no metal leg band. Looks like he had been outside for a while. I have him if you would like to get him and berry him, if no one claims him I will berry him with my beloved animals. He had to have been someone’s :/ found on mitchells way in hyannis. please email I will send a picture and give you my number to come pick him up. Im so sorry for your loss 🙁

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