
I reunited the bird I found on June 17 in Glendale, NY with his owner. 🙂 It was really nice.

I scoured the internet for a week and a half sometimes for four plus hours at a time. The owner had listed her missing bird on several websites including yours. The owner lost her bird about 10 blocks away from my job where I found him when he flew out an open window. She sent me pictures and the resemblance was undeniable. I went to meet her with the bird and it was obvious that he recognized her. The bird had a mate that had just laid eggs and was so distraught that she wasn’t sitting on her eggs. The bird I found hatched at this woman’s house three years ago and she raised him from the beginning.

I feel so happy that I was able to reunite them. It was definitely bittersweet since I started to get attached (he was definitely one of the sweetest birds I have met).

My parakeet is already missing him as they got along very very well.

Let me know if you guys ever need anything in the ny/long island area.

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