
LOST “Bub” a much loved and missed pale yellow cockatiel with pink / red cheeks, long pale yellow tail feathers, yellow crest feathers, a light pink beak and a bald spot on his head.

He has a special diet requirement which makes it urgent for us to find him before he becomes unwell and most probably dies without fast intervention.

We lost him Fri Nov 25 in Mugga Way / Murraba Cres bush area on Tweed Heads hill, NSW.
He is tame and will try to fly onto your head first. He will never bite, just sometimes nibbles or nuzzles your hand / finger so offer your hand or finger for him to step onto, then you can gently lower him onto your shoulder or into a cage. Bub may try to sing the first few bars of Jingle Bells when content but he’s hopeless at it. Also says “Scratch – Scratch” and holds one leg out in front and opens and closes his claw as if giving a sermon. He may screech loudly if left alone as he loves human company and wants to get back home to his grieving 2 cockatiel mates.

Normal cockatiel birdseed and water, broccoli, corn will help nourish him in the first few days as an emergency feed if you find him. His favourite foods are peas and spaghetti which will do to get him renourished until we can get him back onto his normal special diet.

REWARD offered for his safe return. Please call Roy or Lyn ANYTIME on
(07) 5599 3728 or 0408 067178, so that we can come and collect him.

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