
They are likely to land on roofs or open ground. Look on roofs, fences, balconies, bare tree branches, clothesliens, roof aerials, power lines…anything they can perch on. Bart is a great flyer but needs open spaces to land but he may surprise you. Indie is a chubby bubby and gets puffed out only after a little turn of flying so she lands wherever she is at that moment. Indie is more likely to be caught by hand. Throw a towel or a soft blanket over them gently and then gently pick them up. If one is sighted call me asap and they will respond to me but if it looks like they are going to take off again then try to catch them with something, or take a water hose nozzle and drench them so that they cannot fly away. OR CALL THE LOCAL VET OR RSPCA if you are not certain of what to do.

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