- Species: Amazon - Red Lored (See species list for details)
- Location: San Leandro, California, United States 94577
- Date Lost: May 28, 2011
- Banded: Don't Know
- Microchipped: Don't Know
- Contact Person: Emila
- Phone Number: 510 689-6752, 510 632-6458
We lost our parrot at about 7:30pm Saturday, May 28, near the intersection of Davis Street and Kelly, Gilmore, Wainright and Pierce Streets. Guapo is green, and the top of his head is red and yellow. One of his wings has a little red on the bottom. He talks a lot and loudly. If you see or hear him, PLEASE call us 510 689-6752 and 510 632-6458. Thank you very much.