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Date de l’affichage 28-janv.-12
Adresse Cote-Saint-Luc, QC H4W 1K4, Canada
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Hi Everyone,

Well it was bound to happen. I found a White Canadian Racing Pigeon about a year and a half ago in very bad shape and unable to fly. I nursed him back to health and he has been flying all summer long, always returning to my home.

This morning, he flew out but has not returned. He is big (much larger than a normal pigeon) all white in color and responds to the name Big Turk. He has an ID band on his leg that reads St-Timothe. If anyone has seen him or has him, please let me know anytime day or night.

Thank you very much for your help,

Corry @ 514-433-1555

Salut tous monde,

J’ai perdu mon pigeon blanche ici a Montreal. Si tu as les info pour moi ou a trouve mon pigeon svp appelle moi immediatment jour ou soir.

Mon pigeon a une bande pour identification sur son ankle avec le nom St-Timothe. Il respond a le nom Turk.

Merci pour votre assitance,

Corry 514-433-1555

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