
We are offering a $100 REWARD to the information that leads to his retrieval or to the person who catches him.

A week ago, Respira flew out by Red Rocks Community College and we’re still trying to find him. He is very talkative and may be saying his name. He whistles back.

Please help us find him. He is very friendly and may fly easily to your shoulder, but may fly away if you try to catch him quickly. If you are outside and call him and he does land on your shoulder, you may be able to walk into your house gently with his staying on your shoulder. The easiest way to get him to come to you is to say “Respira Come Here” or better is to grab a dry toothbrush and brush your teeth and he’ll come to play with you (I know it sounds odd, but he likes the sound of toothbrushing). However, when he gets excited and happy (like when brushing his teeth) he likes to fly, so if he’s close to the house or you’re able to sweet talk him into coming near the house, I think the best is to call him from inside your door and shut it when he’s inside. Bird seed is also a great lure.

Please call us immediately with any info or sightings. Please call these four numbers in this order until you get someone:
1) 303-955-2353 Kaileigh or Leigh Ann
2) 720-633-7197 Leigh Ann
3) 518-683-1056 Jerry
4) 720-842-7046 Jerry


Hello my best friend got out an who no where he went but if you see him i will be so grateful so grateful. He is my common grey cockateil. He comes to his name Respira an he will come to anyone. I have cried every night for my best friend i am 11 so i can not give you a reward. He is gray with white stripes down his wings an he has a hole yellow head with orange cheeks. He says his name Respira an an come here he loves to whistle any tune he can come up with he also goes bock bock bock it is pretty fun. He was lost by red rocks community college he has been spotted but fly’s right back up.


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