
  • Species: African Grey - Congo (See species list for details)
  • Location: Waldorf, Maryland, United States 20603
  • Date Lost: June 24, 2011
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

Clyde is so smart. He talked a lot to only be 2 years old. He has a black beak, clear gray eyes and a bright red tail. He speaks really well and loves his owner, Cameron a 15 year old boy, who watched Clyde grow from a baby until he was ready to go home with us. He called Cameron every morning and said, “Come on Cam” or “Cam, come on !” or just “Cameron !” He called our dog Steele, and said ‘C’mon Steele or let’s go Steele’ He said his name and would say “CLYDEE-CLYDE” and a variety of other things like “what’ s up doc” , “what ya doing? Whistled, etc.

A reward wil be given if returned. Please return him, he got scared and flew away off my shoulder and as Cameron’s mother I feel so awlful. Cameorn will be 16 soon, what a great birthday present if Clyde is returned to him. Thank you.

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