
We lost our dearly beloved Cockatiel Parrot male on 8/28/2011 in the Monroeville area. He was flying off of Princeton Road and what seemed like towards Monroeville Municipal Park, but cannot be too sure. It’s getting really cold outside and we are hoping somebody picked him up! His name is Geek and he answers to a jingle bell song. If you will whistle the tune he will come.

He also responds if you play Geert Chatrou whistling, website: (press English and homepage plays continuously. May take a few minutes to load depending on bandwidth)

He does have a band. We have the band number for confirmation.

It has been 3+ months now and still no sign of this little guy. His pair and we miss him dearly!

If you found him and have him or even spotted anywhere or have any information please call 412-977-2343 or 201-424-9092, You can also email us at You can also text message here: 551-226-9469.

REWARD $200.00 for recovery.

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