
Sunshine accidentally escaped on 7/4/2012 when a door in our house was accidentally left open.
She was lost in the greater Holladay area near 23rd East and 45th South. She was last seen headed north along 23rd East.
Sunshine is fairly friendly and responds to whistles. If you extend your arm and shake your hand, it is likely she will fly to your shoulder. But, she has never flown outside and doesn’t quite know how to descend well. If she sees bread, a box of Cheerios, a box of Chikin-in-a-biskit crackers, or a bag of Tostitos chips (the blue one), she will be more likely to come to you. She recognizes the packaging.
We love her and want her back. Please help.
Amy – 801-414-6660 or Travis – 801-706-5636

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