
  • Species: Cockatiel - Pied (See species list for details)
  • Location: Holladay, Utah, United States 84117
  • Date Lost: July 4, 2012
  • Banded: Yes
  • Microchipped: No

Sunshine is a yellow cockatiel with gray wings and a few gray tail feathers. She has a leg band with the letters ‘VA” and some numbers on it (unfortunately, I don’t remember the numbers). She is very friendly and responds to whistling. If you hold your arm out and shake your hand, she will likely fly to your shoulder. You can also lure her with bread, Cheerios or Tostitos tortilla chips. She loves to eat those as treats, and recognizes the packaging.

She flew from our home in Holladay, UT near 45th South and 23rd East. She was last seen flying north along 23rd east. If found, please call Amy (801) 414-6660 or Travis (801) 706-5636.

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