
I want to thank everyone who expressed compassion and/or helped when my African Grey Parrot was lost, one month ago today. She is home in body and spirit, not living and breathing and playing, but thank God she is home. The outpouring of help was beyond belief, much of which came from strangers on Craigslist. Thank you. Unbelievably, she was found just days after she went missing– found by a man that I personally handed a flyer to and stood with him on his doorstep, crying about my lost friend. Just a few days later, he found her, but let me go on for weeks, searching. I’ll never know the circumstances, because he hid the fact and lied about it. His guilt got the better of him and he told someone, who told someone, who told me… I was led by tips and God to his burning barrel, where I dug deep in the garbage pit and recovered my little friend’s broken body. Half of her was comletely gone, but the other half was almost pristine in it’s condition. Absolutely, without a doubt, my Tinker. I’ll never understand what hand he had in her death, but obviously he felt guilt and the need to burn the evidence… He could have saved so many people’s time and energy, and let my grief process begin, but he burned her in his garbage pit like trash… with trash… Tinker was anything but trash, but I am just so grateful to have her home, to know she is not suffering and cold, or even worse trapped by an abusive person destined to spend years in hell… She’s safe and sound and home. Thank you again, Craigslist Friends. And to the man who burned my friend, my baby– Shame, shame on you.

She flew away on September 12, and was headed east from Pine City. She is timid, and prefers men over women. She knows and comes to her name.

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