
Hi, Loretta!
I submitted the application to your website the night we lost Isabel.  Thankfully, we recovered her this morning.
The tips you provided on the website were immensely helpful.   Particularly, the tip to sit outside and ‘listen for her’ was invaluable.  She was quiet most of the time, but the few honks once the sun came up were enough to locate her.
Thank you sooo much for the service you provide!  Please remove our plea from your postings.  We’ve already informed the neighbors and removed our posters.
cheers & thanks again so much!
marc p.


Female Solomon Island Eclectus (bright red on top and dark purple on the belly area, about 12-14″ beak to tail). She has plucked some feathers from her chest, and shows grey ‘down feathers’ in places.Lost in south Fort Worth, Texas. Probably hiding down low, or on the ground–as she likes cubby-holes. Although, it is possible she will roost in a tree.She has a closed band around her foot.Very sweet bird, but is afraid of strangers. Knows “Hi, Bird”, and may greet you with the phrase. Also, wolf-whistles, and may “meow” or kiss at you.

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