
TRULY A MIRACLE!! I’m so happy to share the news that my cockatiel Felix, last seen in the foothills of the NE San Fernando Valley on March 3rd, was found by an amazing, animal-loving family on a ranch in a suburb of Portland, Oregon around mid-late April. (OREGON??!) He blew into their hen pen during a windy storm that tore down a maple tree in their yard. They nursed him back to health and looked at numerous posts, trying different names on him to see if he’d respond. Sometime in mid June they thought they’d try one last time to find his home, and saw one of my posts. When they called him Felix, he responded! When I talked to him via speakerphone he got really animated, looking past them to the doorway, expecting me to walk through the door! Another part of this miracle is that my family and I had months ago already planned a trip to Oregon, and would be flying into the Portland airport the 2nd week in July. During that week I finally got to see him and YES! It was positively FELiX!! He came home with me on the plane and is recuperating from all the recent adventures in his life. While being out for so long and for spending time recuperating on a ranch, Felix learned various bird calls and sounds, including finches, robins, chickadees, squirrels…and the family that found him said he must have followed their Canadian geese, because when they first found him, he was honking like a goose!!I am so thankful to God for this kind, loving family that found Felix, and the part they played in restoring him to me. I am also tremendously grateful to all the kind, loving people I’ve met while searching for Felix–for all your gracious concern and unselfish hospitality when you’ve found someone’s lost bird, and for all you do to help reunite them with their owners. You’ve helped me in my journey to find Felix, and I thought you’d like to know that he’s home. My continued prayer goes out to all the bird lovers who are still searching for their beloved birds. My heart has been completely broken open for you and I know what you are going through. May God’s blessing cover your search as well.H.
Male cockatiel, grey normal (gray body, white along ridges of wings, mostly yellow face and plume, orange circles on cheeks, some white feather patches on back of head–varies when molting?). Very social; wolf whistles, chirps and clucks at white socks, napkins, etc. as if they were other birds. Please call 818-899-7276 or email
LOST: Male Cockatiel named Felix, in the foothills of the NE San Fernando Valley, last seen heading west. Med-dark gray body, with yellow face and orange circles on “cheeks”, extra white patch of feathers on back of head on right side, white feathers down the ridges of wings when closed. Please see attached photos–reward offered.
  • Location: East SF Valley environs


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