- Species: Eclectus - Male (See species list for details)
- Location: Kapahulu (Oahu), Hawaii, United States 96815
- Date Lost: June 12, 2012
- Phone Number: 808-xxx-xxxx
- Original URL: http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/laf/3074772551.html
Just to let you know we found our Buddy! Someone called this afternoon and said they had found him. Thank you so much for all your help!
Aloha, Charla
LOST – male Eclectus – REWARD (Kapahulu)
Aloha, our family pet Buddy flew off this afternoon while I was cleaning his cage. He is a 3 year old male Eclectus parrot. He flew from the Alohea street area towards Kapiolani park. He has bright green feathers with red and blue feathers under his wing. He has a single yellow feather on his left upper wing. He is fairly friendly, and would normally perch on your finger if offered. I would imagine he would be fairly skid dish as this is the only time he has ever flown off. He has already missed a feeding and is likely hungry. Please call if you have seen him or have picked him up. We are offering a reward for his return. My 8 year old son is devastated with Buddy gone. Our house is not the same without him here. He is missed dearly. Please help us find Buddy. 808-xxx-xxxx – Charla. Mahalo for reading our post.