- Species: Cockatiel - Normal Gray (See species list for details)
- Location: Pauoa/Pacific Heights/Oahu, Hawaii, United States 96813
- Date Lost: November 29, 2011
- Phone Number: 387-8289
- Original URL: http://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/laf/2729876426.html
As posted on Craigslist:
We found our Cockatiel (Pauoa Vlly/Pacific Hts )
Our bird flew away Tuesday night, 11/29. He flew to Halawa and found two of the nicest people in the world. They saw our Lost Bird ad in the newspaper and called us, scolded us for not clipping his wings, and returned him safely to us tonight. Thank you to Bonnie and Robert – you are the greatest! We lost our pet cockatiel, Beaker, on the night of November 29th. Mostly gray with yellow head and bright orange cheeks. His wings are not clipped, so he flies well. Very tame; will fly to people. We miss him terribly – please help us find him.
- Location: Pauoa/Pacific Heights
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