
This was like a miricle. A man found him on his fence in Parma Ohio, and just took him to the vet to drop off,as he could not keep the bird. I placed an add in our local newspaper, and someone showed the add to the vet. They called me and i went to see if it was my bird Dinky, and it was:) The man left no name or number as to where i could reach him. The angels were really watching over him, and it proves the power of prayer.


His name is Dinky, he comes to the name also pretty birdie, and a wolf whistle. He is Grey with yellow and orange cheeks , and a yellow crop on head. He was heading East on East Schaaf Road in Brooklyn HEIGHTS Ohio 44131 Please contact me if seen or found. a 100.00 reward is offered. please help me get him home,Thank you

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