
I think someone may have found him, and they are selling him. His name is Max If anyone buts a Blue and Gold that is under weight now from being gone please call 727-768-5231. Its terrible that people do things like this!!!


***(((GONE SINCE MONDAY EVENING PLEASE HELP)))***Please Call 727-768-5231, Luke or 727-768-2086 Carolyn. Spent another day chasing my Macaw ending in disappointment. I checked on him several times every night to find him in the same place. He spent Thursday night in the same large pine tree until Friday morning. Friday morning i spent calling his name”Max” and encouraging him by waving food. He tried to climb down to me fell and flew to another large pine tree. I followed him and acted like I was leaving to get him to fly to me because this time he had a big field to use for a landing. He couldn’t land on the ground or me I guess so he landed in a smaller tree. I tried to climb up to him not being a very good climber I scared him to another very large pine tree. Unable to get him down i waited and he flew off again not to be FOUND yet. He hasn’t had food or water since Monday PLEASE KEEP an eye out for him. At this point he may be found on the ground from being weak or on your patio, bird feeder, bird bath, or with someone else birds. REWARD offered and he is extremely missed and is driving me insane. His companion Military Macaw is getting mean and grumpy because he misses his friend. I know I should have had his wings cut but last time he started twisting and plucking them. I’m praying for a safe return, but please notify us if found in any condition. Please Call 727-768-5231, Luke or 727-768-2086 Carolyn.
HELP, HELP, HELP, HELP, It is very frustrating trying to find something or someone that is lost pet or what ever it is you are looking for. 🙁
Time to wait and hope


Live Near Cresap St 727-859 8121 If found please return.

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