
My two parakeets have been missing for a long time. Peeps(male) is light green/ yellow and is pretty tame.( He is wearing a band around his leg and has been missing since August 26) Budgie his friend(girl) has been missing since June 10 and she is dark green with black on her wings. We miss them alot and want them home! They were last seen on Rose Ave in Yutan Ne on the day they left our house but, could be anywhere by now. Dead or alive I want to know what happened to them. Please call me at 402-625-2659 or 402-719-9894. Thank You!


Today my parakeet flew out the door and kept going. He flew off at 2:00 pm, is light green, hand tame, and he is wearing a band around his foot. His name is “Peeps”, and flies on your head when you call him. If you have seen him, or have caught him please call me at 402-625-2659 or 402-719-9894. We miss him alot and want him home!Thank’s so much! Beth

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