
A friend asked if she could take my parrot overnight because she wanted a eukkie but wanted to see how her green cheek got along. She promised to bring him back the next morning. She refuses to return my bird. I have been to West warwick police dept. where she lives, Johnston, statepolice, sheriff’s office etc. She refuses to answer her door. Come to find out she has an extensive criminal record. I have my vet papers to prove he is mine. I want my parrot back and don’t know what else to do?


A parrot was stolen from my home by a so called friend. She said she wanted to take him home one night to see how her birds react she was going to try and rescue one like him. I am so trusting, I said ok please bring him next day. She said next day try and get him. I have called, text, went to west warwick, RI, Johnston RI and State police and they said all I can do is go to small claims court? I want my parrot. I have had three brain tumor surgeries, and without him, I am lost. I love him, I want my bird back, not money. Come to find out she has a criminal record a mile long. Breaking and entering, domestic violence, larcency. I am so worried about my bird?

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