
  • Species: Amazon - Mexican Redhead, Green Cheeked, Red Crowned (See species list for details)
  • Location: Marysville, Washington, United States 98270
  • Date Lost: July 9, 2021
  • Banded: No
  • Microchipped: No

My red headed Amazon parrot, cypress escaped through the garage door july 9 around 7 am. He is fully flighted and is a confident flier inside but has never flown outside. Please if anyone sees him any info would be greatly appreciated. I was working when it happened so the toughest part is trying to figure where he could possibly be. He was last sighted flying south on state Ave in Marysville WA 98270. He flew out at 51st Ave NE and started flying south past the Marysville cemetery in the direction of the state Ave Safeway and continued flying but I’m not sure how far he kept going. He could have continued towards lake stevens/ Everett area or maybe hopefully headed back towards marysville at some point. I will continue searching for him as long as I can but the trees are endless, the sky vast, hes green and could quite literally be anywhere.This bird was one of the few things that brought so much happiness to my life words can’t express the heartbreak I’m going through. It would mean the world to get to have him back in my arms. Thank you to any one who sees this and can keep an eye out for him. I would appreciate it immensely my number is 2063704060 I’ve also posted to lost and found pets of snohomish county Facebook groups in the hopes more people will be on the lookout. Thank you so much!!!!

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