Please read before posting your message it could mean the difference of reuniting with your LOST bird or finding the owner of your FOUND bird.
*This is very important and ensures the message is catalogued properly for other to see and access..
TITLE LINE format when posting…
1- USA Messages Do Not Need the country listed.
EG: LOST: State, City – Species (Birds Name) – Date Lost
EG: LOST: CA, San Diego, Parakeet ,”Tweets” April 6.13
2- OUTSIDE the USA ” DO NEED” the Country listed.
EG: LOST: Country, State/Province, City – Species (Birds Name) – Date Lost
LOST: Canada, ON. Toronto – Cockatiel “Sam” Jan 3.13
3-When entering the date Please use this format: Feb 4.13
EG. 4/2/13, 040213, leaves a question to the actual date.
EG. LOST: Fl. Jacksonville – Quaker, “Jake”- Feb 4.13
EG: FOUND: England, London, African Grey, Jan 23.13
4- DO NOT POST Complete BAND Information
EG. List like this…………… Band number ASD xx xxx. Owner to provide complete band number.
Sign up for both LOST and FOUND email alerts…….communicated with others in a 50 mile range with lost and found birds.
We also have a RSS Feed
You can now report your LOST, FOUND bird or participate in our discussion forums.
List STOLEN birds under LOST as Stolen…..
You can add your phone number in the body of the message…..the number you entered during registration is not public..
Thanks for registering with 911 Parrot Alert, I hope you get your bird home.
Contact me if problems/questions
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