
Roxy is an extremely loving and friendly Cockatiel. A typical Cockatiel appearance which is small in size, and has a slender body and long pointed tail, which is more characteristic of the smaller parrots. Its plumage is mostly grey, paler below, with a white wing patch, orange cheeks and a distinctive pointed crest. Roxy responds to kissing noises and don’t be shocked if she lands on your head. All she wants is kisses. Please Help our family with this loss. She was last seen on orange drive and shotgun road in the west Davie, Florida area, off of I-75. She has been with the family for over 10 years and we are doing everything we can to find her. Thank you so much

Lost Cockatiel on May 26, 2011
Name Roxy aka Pretty Bird.
Bird is extremely friendly and loving. Will fly to people.
Please call if found
Thank you!!!

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