- Species: Ringneck - Alexandrine (See species list for details)
- Location: Jacksonville, Florida, United States 32244
- Streets: Yukon RV park across from NAS JAX
- Date Lost: April 24, 2012
- Phone Number: (904)236-2804
- Original URL: http://jacksonville.craigslist.org/laf/2977185728.html
“SHE’S HOME! a lady actually found my craiglist ad today and called my sister because Georgie flew into her backyard! All the way in Middleburg! Thank you for all the tips you gave me. “
Lost Alexandrine Parrot (Yukon-NAS JAX)
My parents Parrot flew out of their RV. My dad accidentally left the door opened when he went outside. They are an elderly couple and loved the bird very much. Her name is Georgie Girl. She is an Alexandrine Parrot approx. 1-2 yrs old. Lost in the Yukon RV park across from NAS JAX. Contact (904)236-2804 If found.