
Color: (See attached photo.) Green back, wings, and cheeks; two-
toned tan feathers on his chest and neck; a dark grey beak and head
with white rings around each eye; and dark red (maroon) feathers on
his belly and in his long tail. The tips of his green wing feathers
are blue.
Name of Bird: Hulkie (short for “Incredible Hulk.”
Age: 3 years
Sex: Not sure, probably male.
Banded?: (# on file with 911PA).
Common Saying: “Upside down!” or “Upside upside down!” in a voice
that sounds like a bad recording on a pocket tape recorder.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Dunks his Honey Nut Cheerios in his
water dispenser. Also, likes to be held in my left hand with his
back against my palm, his left foot curled around my fourth finger,
and his right foot curled around my thumb or retracted back into his
body feathers. In this position, he enjoys being stroked around the
head and neck by my forefinger.
Medical Issues: None known.
Reward?: $100 (would be ten times as much and more if I had the

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